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When my oldest son turned about 5, I gained yet another “Parenting” badge on my parenting vest (that’s totally a thing, right??)
I knew that the day would soon come, but alas, one morning, before I’d had my cup of coffee, I trudged into the kitchen not yet still fully awake when BAM.
The pain seared through my foot.
The inevitable happened. I stepped on a freaking Lego!
And thus, our journey into all things had Lego begun!
Which is why it’s really no surprise that when he found out that there was a Legoland in Germany, not even 2 hours away from us, you can imagine the incessant begging to go!
Finally, for his 6th birthday, we decided to surprise him with a Birthday Package at Legoland! (You can read ALL about how to get a free ticket on your birthday here)
So, after two absolutely jam packed days and 1 night staying at the Legoland Resort (Deutschland), here are some of my top tips for Legoland as well as all the information you need to know about Legoland in Germany.
If you are looking at going to other Theme Parks in Germany, you might be interested in the following articles:
- How to Get a Free Legoland Germany Ticket
- Is Legoland With a Toddler Worth It?
- Tips and Tricks for Europa Park To Maximize Your Day
- A Day at Playmobil Fun Park
- Churpfalz Park: An Interesting Amusement Park in Germany

Legoland Germany Location
Address: Gunzburg Legoland Germany: LEGOLAND Allee 1, 89312 Günzburg Germany
Germany Legoland is located near the town of Günzburg, which is only about 1.5 hours drive from Munich or 3.5 hours from Frankfurt.
Parking: If you are just coming for the day, you can park for € 6/per day (If you are staying at the hotel, parking is included in your hotel cost)
Getting To Legoland From Munich By Train: If you are coming from Munich, you can get the Bayern Pass and take the RE9 train to the Günzburg, which takes about an hour and 45 minutes. From there, there is a Legoland Shuttle that will take you directly to the park.
Note: There is no “Legoland Munich.” THIS is the closest Legoland Park to Munich. Many people also ask about a “Legoland Nürnberg” and again, there isn’t one. However, there is Playmobil Fun Park near Nuremberg, which is also fantastic, especially for a bit younger kids!
There are other “Legoland Discovery Centers” in Germany though. These are more like a huge, immersive indoor playground, rather than the big theme park with roller coasters and rides.
- Berlin Legoland Discovery Center: Potsdamer Str. 4, 10785 Berlin
- Oberhausen Legoland Discovery Center: CentrO-Promenade 10, 46047 Oberhausen
Legoland Germany Tickets and Prices
Due to Covid, you need to book your tickets ahead of time and online.
- Adult Admission: € 50/ day
- Children: € 45/ Day
- Kids Under 3: Free
2022 Legoland Discount Tickets
2022 is the 20th Anniversary of Legoland! So, they are having some great prices as well as offering some fantastic Legoland deals and discounts!
- All tickets are only € 39.50/day, which is a fantastic price! (Book ahead and online)
- Kids Under 3: Free
As part of the celebration, they will also be having tons of surprise activities, shows, and events throughout the season as well, so it’s a great year to go!
Annual Passes
If you plan on going even 2 days to Legoland, it could be well worth it to just get the Annual Pass and then have the opportunity to do a Legoland Vacation as often as you like!
Cost:€69/ Person
Legoland Germany Coupons
There aren’t many coupons right now since they are running the anniversary deal. However, you can always purchase a Legoland Voucher and then use it at a later date or give it as a great gift to someone.
Legoland Germany Opening Times
2022 Dates and hours:
- April 2- November 6th, 2022
- 10am-6pm (However, on many summer weekends as well as holidays, the park is open from 10am-7pm. You can check the calendar here to see if there are extended times on the days you want to go since it’s kind of all over the board on the varying times)
Note: The rides stop an hour before the park closes. For example, on the Saturday that we were there, the rides ended at 6 but you could stay in the park (there are TONS of playgrounds, places to eat, etc) until 7pm. On Sunday, the rides ended at 5pm but the park officially closed at 6pm.
- May 9th-11th
- May 16th-18th
- September 13-14
- September 19-21
When Is the Best Time to Go To Legoland?
This may depend on your personal priorities and schedule. For us, it made perfect sense to go on our son’s birthday at Legoland, since this meant a free ticket for him! (That’s right…free birthday tickets at Legoland!)
If you are a tourist in Germany, you’ll want to avoid school holidays as these times are PACKED and are often booked out well in advance. In Bavaria for 2022 those are:
- Easter Holiday Break: April 11 – April 23, 2022.
- Whitsun/ Pentecost Holiday: June 7 – June 18, 2022.
- Summer Break: August 1 – September 12, 2022
Granted, if you’ve got kids in the German school system, you know you are limited to those times for vacations, so you just gotta do what you gotta do!
Like most Amusement parks, if you can go during the week, you will probably fare better with fewer crowds than on the weekends. Since most people get a 2 day pass, going on Tuesdays and Wednesdays are good options if you can make that work.
Legoland Age Range: What is the Best Age for Legoland?
One of the reasons why we went to Europa Park and Playmobil in the last few years instead of Legoland was because I had read that Legoland is best for ages around 6-10(ish). I didn’t want to shell out a bunch of money just to have a toddler be upset that he couldn’t do half the rides!
However, even though many rides DO have height requirements, there is still SO much to do at the park that you are sure to find something for most ages. While Legoland for toddlers isn’t my top choice, with several kids of our own with a wide range of ages, we decided it would be worth it to plan accordingly for the park and just give it a go. So, at times, our 3 year old (and obviously baby) couldn’t go on a ride that my 6 year old could. We would quickly distract the younger kiddo with something nearby that he COULD enjoy and one of us would take our 6 year old to the bigger ride. We used the Explore The Park feature on the website beforehand to get an idea and feel for the park. On the day of, we used the heck out of the Legoland App, which I describe in detail why that was a life saver in my Tips section below.
So, what age is Legoland for? I go into detail about my personal experience at Legoland with a toddler here, but I’d say that the reports that I had read that it was great for 6-10 year olds are spot on.
Ultimately, if you just have one child (or a few but within a close age range) then I think that the 6-10 range will ensure everyone has a blast without too much splitting up or someone missing out on something due to height/age restrictions.
Best Legoland Germany Rides
Obviously, this is a bit of a personal preference. It may differ on kids’ interests as well as ages, but here were some of our favorite rides throughout the park.
I am no amusement park connoisseur but I do love myself some major adrenaline rushes. I mean, you are talking to (reading from??) the person who went Paragliding over Neuschwanstein Castle after all!
So, if I’m being 100% honest with you (and you know I ALWAYS am!), I’d say that I was a little underwhelmed with the rides themselves. For the wait time (I didn’t do the express pass), which was often 30-45 minutes each, I felt like the rides were not as thrilling, or at least definitely shorter than many other roller coasters I’ve been on at other parks. You may argue that’s because the main clientele of Legoland is kids, so they don’t need super stomach dropping moments, but I was disappointed that they didn’t at least last longer after just waiting in line with a (very energetic) 6 year old for 40 minutes.
All that being said, the rides were probably just about perfect for my 6 year old, who is still newer to the roller coaster scene and maybe didn’t get that extreme dare devil gene passed down from me. The ones that my 3 year old could go on, were also perfect for his speed.
Best Rides at Legoland for Adults/ Kids over 110 or 120 cm:
Flying Ninjago: So if truth be told, I didn’t do this one. I wanted to, but with 3 kids that couldn’t go on it and a wait time that was almost always at least 45 minutes, I couldn’t justify sticking 3 tired kids with my husband for an hour just so I could go do it. It did look really fun though. You can actually control your “vessel” so that you decide if you want to go upside down and all around, or just take a flight through the air.
Power Builder: I”ll be honest, I really liked this one because it seemed to never have a really long line!!! It’s inside a building and you sit 2 people to what sort of looks like an arm of a robot. It twisted and turned and sent you upside down, which I am ALL about!!!
Fire Dragon: We went STRAIGHT to this ride right when the park opened and there was already a line forming. I’m glad we did this though because it was always a very long wait otherwise. We only waited for about 10 minutes total (WOOHOO!) since we got there ASAP. The beginning of the ride was probably one of my favorites for the Lego theme. It was all Castle themed with giant Lego sculptures (My son got a “kick”, literally, out of one scene that had a wheel with boots on each peg that kept kicking a peasant in the but….ah, kids and but humor). This ride had some good twists and turns to it and a few smaller drops.
Lego Rennen (The Great Lego Race): This one may have been my personal favorite as far as thrills go. There is a really good drop at the beginning that makes your stomach go aaaaaaall the way up into your throat. I REALLY should have bought the photo of this one because the look on my wide eyed 6 year old son’s face could not be more perfect for “Oh My God, what have I gotten myself into!!!??” kind of fear as we dropped!
Best Rides at Legoland for Younger Kids (3-6 years)
Dragon Hunt: My 6 year old wanted to do this one a few times. It was just enough of a thrill for a kiddo who probably is newer to roller coasters and well….Dragons. Need I say more for a 6 year old boy?
Temple X-Pedition: Both boys (3.5 and 6 years) LOOOVED this one. In fact, we probably did this one at least 4 times. Why? They have “Pew Pewers” as my kids call them (laser guns) where you shoot at targets, some of which make Lego figurines move if you hit them. Lil B particularly liked the one that made a skeleton play the drums!!
Junior Driving School: While both boys were able to do this, my 3 year old did NOT like it. Mostly because he couldn’t get the hang of steering and kept crashing into the wall. Needless to say, it ended in tears and him yelling to be done. Lil B on the other hand had a grand ‘ol time and was stoked at getting a “real driver’s license” at the end (should I break it to him that it really wasn’t??)
Royal Joust: Welp, forget the rest of Legoland. If it was up to the boys, they would have just ridden these “horses” that bounced up and down along a track all day long. It was great because there was almost no line (when we were there) so they just kept getting off and getting right back on. I lost count of how many times they actually did this ride!
Lego Ninjago: It was recommended for 4+ years and I’m glad I didn’t take my 3.5 on this one because it was LOOOUD and a little more “scary” than I was expecting (if you have seen Ninjago then it might be ok). Lil B did love it though just because he is all things Ninjago right now though! You have to swipe your hand over a control bar to shoot fireballs at enemies. Lil B could NOT get the hang of it, but that didn’t stop him from feeling like he was one of the Ninjagos himself!
Best Rides at Legoland for Toddlers:
For toddlers, there aren’t a TON of straight up rides other than the playgrounds and the activity-based, well, activities. I cover all of this in my specific post about Toddlers at Legoland, but a few of my 3 year old’s favorites were:
Adventure Playground: They both had a blast at this one. Some of the playgrounds were too “big” for Mr. J (3 years) but this one had enough for both ages
Canoe X-Pedition: As small as 80 cm can go on this one, so it was perfect for the toddlers, and they “row” their own canoe all by themselves
Harbor Cruise: Both kiddos loved this one, but unfortunately, Mr. J couldn’t quite figure out how to steer it himself (like the Driving School above) so if your tot is ok sitting back and letting someone else take the wheel (literally) then it’s great. Buuuut, let’s be honest, how many toddlers actually want to let someone else do something for them?
Legoland Germany Attractions/ Things To Do
One of the draws to Legoland is that there are TONS of other things to do at Legoland other than the roller coasters.
Legoland Shows
We were only able to time it right to hit up one show. But it worked out perfectly because it was a bunch of breakdancers. Coincidentally enough, Lil B has recently been totally into “Brick Dancing” (as he calls it). He even tries to do some moves himself at home, which often consist of him just kicking his leg up in the air and then him falling down to the ground to the rhythm of some music. Hey kid….you do you!
There are other stages through the park though that have things like magic shows, singers, and more. This can be a good break in the day if for nothing else than to just sit for a bit after go-go-going!
There were playgrounds ALL throughout the park. In fact, it was a bit tough because the cheap parent in my head was saying, “LeAnna, you can go to a playground any other day, go spend your time more wisely on the rides!” Buuuut, alas, we found ourselves on plenty of the playgrounds (how are toddlers so convincing!?)
Lego 4D Movies
We actually didn’t get to these because we jam pack the rest of our days so full, but if you need to get out of the sun, sit down, and have some downtime for a bit, these 4D movies sounded pretty cool. They are all less than an hour, offering a great, quick break in the day if needed. Some of them were:
- Ninjago
- Cops in Action
- Mythica
Sea Life Aquarium
So this one was a big surprise for me that I was not expecting at Legoland. They have a decently good aquarium on site! (However, it didn’t allow strollers…I mean, what??) There was a really good “Under The Sea” style tunnel that of course is awesome and little “Bubbles” that kids can sit inside to feel like they are right up there next to the animals!
Lego Factory
I was kind of expecting this to be an interactive experience where we helped pour the plastic pieces (or at least press the buttons) that were then molded, stamped, and transformed into our very own Lego that we got to take home. Instead, we were handed a Lego (ours had a 20 year anniversary stamp on it) as we walked in. There was a cute little video (in German with English subtitles) about how Legos are made and then you are shown a “Factory” (I use that word very liberally, as it is all fake and on display rather than an actual functioning production line….clearly by the dust that has gathered on the displays).
It was fine, but I don’t think it was worth the time it took to get through, and definitely wouldn’t do it more than once on a repeat visit.
Rebuild the World
Of course you can’t come to Legoland and NOT build something out of Legos! This area is just that. You can build whatever you want, or build creations of your own to put onto a giant Lego Earth structure. There were also DUPLO blocks, which was perfect for my family so my baby could crawl around and shake the DUPLOs (since that’s about the extent of her building abilities) and my 3 year old could build whatever he wanted (he chose to build a “Mega Drone”). Meanwhile, my 6 year old made a giant bridge out of the real Legos to add to the “world.”
Mini Lego Cities
Perhaps my favorite “Lego” part of Legoland was the area that had a ton of cities recreated out of Legos. I’m not talking a famous building from a city. I mean, the entire city was built!!! There were tons of German cities (Berlin was seriously impressive! There was even a crane!! If you know, you know! ) which was really fun to see since that is where we live as well as places like the Netherlands, Venice, Dubai, and more. The details and thought that went behind each location was insane.
Tips For Legoland
Utilize the App
Before heading to the park, download the interactive map and App to your smartphone. This was such a game changer in actually maximizing the efficiency of our days!
I particularly liked that it gave the ride wait times so that we could plan accordingly. It was also nice that when we were nearing eating times, we could check on the App to see what restaurant options were nearby to choose from.
However, the best part of this app is that there is a “Build Your Itinerary” option. And this, my friends, was perfect since we had kids of differing ages and heights, which meant some rides were out of the question. Here’s how to do it:
- You can put in members of your family, which includes their heights since this determines the rides they can go on.
- It then gives you a list (with a map) of all the rides that are applicable to your group. So, for example, it didn’t even give us the option of the Flying Ninjago, because I just had the two boys in the App.
- You can then go through the list as you make your way through the map and the park. It gives detailed descriptions for each ride so that you can make a decision before actually walking all that way if you want to do it or not.
- Once you finish a ride, you can check it off your list
- It was oddly satisfying getting to Sunday afternoon and checking off the last suggestion in our App. It made me feel like we were super efficient and really did do everything we wanted!!!
Start At the Back Of the Park
This is one of those tips that pretty much works for every amusement park. If you can convince your kids to blindly walk past all the rides at the front (a task easier said than done!) then there should be less people at the back of the park.
However, if you are staying at the Holiday Village/ Feriendorf (where the Resort Hotels are), then you actually have a separate entrance just for hotel guests and it is, you guessed it, at the back of the park!
Get Discounted Legoland Tickets
You can usually find SOME sort of discount tickets to Legoland. One way to do this is to book ahead, as that typically gives discounts. As mentioned earlier, for 2022 they have a running discounted ticket price in celebration of their 20th Anniversary that you can get on the website which just can’t be beat.
Bring a Stroller or Wagon
I’m a total Baby Wearer. I rarely bring strollers with me on days out, but when going to an amusement park, it is really nice to have something to stash belongings in, and of, course, put a veeeeerrry tired toddler or baby in as well as to give my back a break. I LOVE my travel stroller when we do use it.
There were tons of families that had wagons, like these ones that had a “roof” style awning, which was great for kids who were tired or hot. If you are bringing a lot of stuff in for the day, it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to have had this instead of the stroller.
Split The Park
In order to maximize our time, we split the park into Day 1 and Day 2. There was very little overlapping, and that was simply just to get back to our hotel. I roughly outlined what we did on day 1 (in red) and day 2 (in blue) in the Legoland Map above. This worked out REALLY great for us because we didn’t waste hardly any time backtracking or getting across the park when not necessary.
You are bringing kids to an amusement park right? ‘Nuff said!
Bring Your Own Food
We chose to eat at the park because I just didn’t even really think about packing our own lunches or dinners beforehand (hey, just getting 3 kids out the door is a success in my mind!) There are several places to grab food at the park and while they weren’t absolutely outrageous “Amusement Park” prices, they were higher than you’d get a just any ‘ol local restaurant by a few Euros. If you are looking at saving a bit of money, then you are allowed to bring in your own outside food.
To put it into perspective, we went to the Schnitzel Depot (because, hellol…we’re in Germany!) and got:
- 1 Adult Schnitzel with Pommes (fries)
- 1 Jager Schnitzel with fries
- Split a kids meal
- 1 Beer
And the total was about 40 Euro.
Get a Wristband
We kept seeing kids wearing wristbands our first day and had no idea what it was, until I finally caught a closer glimpse. They are in case your kid gets separated from you!!! Genius!
In fact, on our first day, a little boy HAD gotten separated from his parents and the panic in his eyes as the tears streamed down his face as he pleaded, “MAMA!” was absolutely heart wrenching!!!! (Dad was found, but it was a good 10 minutes!) And my kids are no angels in this regard either, I lost count of the times that Lil B saw something so exciting that he went off to see it. He never wandered far enough, but when there are so many people there, it’s really easy to lose sight of a little one!
Pro Tip: Don’t put your kids’ name on the wristband, put YOUR name on it! I once read that you should never use a kids name because anyone can read the band and say, “Hey, “so and so” come here……” and to a little kid, if someone knows their name, that must mean we know that person, right? So we put our names on the bands instead. (Ok, maybe that’s a bit paranoid buuuut whatever)
Bring A Change of Clothes or Swimsuits
There are quite a lot of water attractions, whether that be the Splash Battle Boats (we got SOAKED!) or the Jungle X-Pedition (like a typical Log Ride) but also a whole splash pad style area in the DUPLO part. Some kids just wear swim shorts instead of normal shorts and I saw a few girls wearing swim tops instead of tank tops or shirts.
Tip: ALWAYS bring an extra pair of socks!!! I learned this the hard way once when I was a kid at an amusement park. Wet socks= blistered feet!
Arrive Early If Staying at the Hotel
So I mentioned earlier that if you are staying at the hotel that there is a separate entrance. I even reached out to Legoland ahead of time and asked if hotel guests get in early and the answer was no. However, when we arrived at the Hotel Gate at 9:50 (the park opens at 10), people were already being let in (and it seemed like they had been for at least a little bit already?). That doesn’t mean that the rides were going, buuuut this did mean that we busted our buns to get over to the Dragon Ride that always had a long wait and got in at the beginning of the line so our wait time was only about 10 minutes when it did open!!
Get the Xpress Lane Tickets
If your budget allows, I’d recommend getting the Xpress Pass. There were times that we could have done a ride 2 or 3 times in the duration that it took for us to get through the normal line. They are a bit pricey, but if you are there for the rides more than anything else (or want to do the rides more than once), then it’s probably worth it.
Stay 2 Nights If Possible At the Hotel
If you are spending the night, can afford it, and have the schedule for it, I highly recommend going early on day one (you can come into the Holiday Village before you check in). There were so many cool things there (I couldn’t even count the number of small playgrounds!) that we just simply didn’t have the time to do. Having even half of an extra day would have given us a lot more time to slow down a bit, do WAY more in this area of the park, and not feel as rushed (or exhausted by the end of the weekend!). If I could have done it differently I would have done:
- Day 1: Arrive early in the day. Relax at the Holiday Villlage doing the Ropes Courses, playgrounds, bowling, and everything else there! Check in at 3 and enjoy the hotel.
- Day 2: Half of the Park and spend the night.
- Day 3: Other half of the park. Go home.
Take Turns With Parents For Rides
This may all depend on the ages of kids you have. The way you would do it is your whole family (even the ones that can’t ride yet) wait in line together. At the front, you kindly ask (beg?) the worker if one parent can ride with your child while the other waits with the younger kids and then switch.
We only did this for a few rides that we (the adults) both really wanted to go on. But what worked really well was that Lil B then got to ride twice in a row. However, that meant Mr. J was stuck just standing in a line without even being able to go on anything at the end. Things like ice cream treats after work are great for bribing. Just sayin’.
My Personal Legoland Germany Reviews
When doing research on how to maximize our day at Legoland, I saw a common “Google Question” was “Is Legoland Fun?” I was a little confused by if this was a legitimate question. Of course it’s fun! It’s an amusement park! I think the better questions are things like
- Is Legoland worth the price?
- Is Legoland good for just adults?
- Is Legoland good for toddlers?
But anyway, here is what my 100% honest impressions of it were.
The Rides Are Short and Lines are Long
I’ve already mentioned this above, so I’m not going to go into too much more detail about this. I will say this though, I think if your main priority of going to an amusement park is for the roller coasters, there are better amusement parks in Germany for that. If you love Legos and want a bit of thrill to go on the side of your Lego obsession, then yes, it could still be good for you. While my son loved the rides, it was often hard to keep the kids content waiting in the long lines though.
Great For Families With Older Kids
I can totally see us going back to Legoland in 4 or 5 years down the road. By then, the baby will be ready to tackle real roller coasters and even my oldest (6 years now) will still have plenty of fun things to do at age 10.
The Hotel Was Super Cute
I’m always a sucker for themed hotels. I loved how when we walked into the Pirate Island Hotel that there was a giant mast in the center of the entrance, complete with piratey- sounding music.
The room was very clean and it was nice that the bunk bed area was a separate area from the “parents” section.
The food at the Knights Castle restaurant was good but nothing to necessarily write home about (a friend told me that the steakhouse is exceptional though). The cost was similar to the park in that it was several more Euro than what you’d get at a local restaurant, but not really outrageous for a theme park cost (for example, the burgers were 18 Euro).
It was nice that we could just park our car and walk to the back entrance, but that still took a good 15 minutes from our room.
However, if cost is an issue, there are cheaper options off sight that you can still be there within about 15 minutes as well. Many nearby hotels actually partner with Legoland so that you can still get package deals (more on that below).
Note: There aren’t a ton of perks that you get by being a hotel guest other than the back entrance. For example, at Playmobil Fun Park and Europa Park, you get early access to the park if you are staying in the Hotel, which is a really great thing! The big appeal here is all the Lego themes, which obviously kids (and kids at heart) love.
Is Legoland Worth It
If you love Legos, then yes!
However, I do think there is a small window of absolute “ideal” ages for the park.
I got asked in my Travel in Bavaria Tips Facebook Group, “Is Legoland is worth it for adults only?” and honestly, unless you are Lego fanatics (or found a really great coupon/deal, like the 2022 Anniversary prices), then I’d say there are more thrilling theme parks to go to in Germany for adults if roller coasters are what you want. But, I know plenty of adults that absolutely LOVE Legos and would therefore have a great day at the park.
All that being said, we really did have a really fun time, and when your kids ask the very next morning after getting home when the next time we can go to Legoland is, then yeah….I’d consider it a total success!!!
The Costs Can Add Up
For many people, a trip to Legoland is like a lot of amusement parks- you know it is not a cheap weekend, but you are willing to pay for the “experience” of it all.
If you go on just a regular weekend in the summer, spend 2 nights, eat all of your meals on sight, and have at least 2 adults and 1 kid, you can be looking at upwards of 700 Euro for the weekend.
Obviously, if you need to save money at Legoland you can:
- Not spend the night (this alone will make the costs go down drastically and make it much more worth it financially speaking)
- Bring your own food
- Find discounts or go when there are specials, like the 2022 Legoland Anniversary prices, which are fantastic right now!
Hotels Near Legoland Germany
You have several options if you are looking for accommodation near Legoland. Some people love staying on-site because of all the great amenities and how close you are to the park. However, it does come with a decently steep price tag, but most people I know who stay on site say it’s all a part of the trip. Since this is often a special occasion, most people I know have said they were happy to splurge on this cost to make it a total experience. But if you find it a bit out of your price range, I’ve included several other off-site options that may be much more affordable for your budget.
Legoland Feriendorf
The Legoland Feriendorf is actually a part of the Legoland Resort, which means that you’ll get all the great amenities from the Legoland Village, including a high ropes course, bowling, tricycle courses, and 18 playgrounds!
It’s only a 5-20 minute walk to the park (depending on where you are staying) and even has 4 restaurants (and 4 bars for us adults!) on site. But, what probably makes this hotel most “worth it” is the themed Lego rooms, which the kids LOVED and really add to the whole Legoland experience! There are also several different room sizes available to cater to various family sizes as well.
More on the specific hotel/ accommodation options at the Feriendorf below.
Check Legoland Feriendorf Availability Here
Hotel Bettina Garni
If you’d like a hotel that has fantastic reviews and is close to the park, Hotel Bettina Garni is a great choice. What I like most about this hotel is they offer numerous room sizes to host your family (are my kids the only ones that LOVE bunk beds!?)
With a fantastic breakfast and parking included in the price, it’s a really good deal.
Read Hotel Bettina Reviews Here
Holiday Apartments Kötz
I know my family typically prefers to stay at apartment style lodging nowadays. With 3 kids in tow, it just gives us a bit more space and allows us to cook our own meals if we want. The Holiday Apartment Kötz could not be a more perfect apartment stay!!!
It’s got a pool to hang out in, a great playset to play on, and even kids “cars” and trucks to drive around on the huge grounds you have access to.
EuroHotel Günzburg
The EuroHotel Günzburg is one of Legoland’s “Hotel Partners” which means you can book Legoland packages with them. It also means that you can expect the hotel to be very child/ family friendly. For example, you can book the Legoland 2 Day Ticket and Breakfast package and be within walking distance of the park. There is also a little outdoor playground, a kid’s corner inside, and even a bowling alley to enjoy on site.
See the Legoland Packages and Deals with EuroHotel Here
Legoland Germany Hotel
Of course, you can stay right on site at the Legoland Hotels in the Legoland Holiday Village. In all of the following, you have access to all of the restaurants at the Holiday Village, tons of playgrounds, the high ropes course, and way more. Almost all of the specialty hotels have a parents’ room and a separate kids’ room with bunk beds. The packages also typically include a really great breakfast buffet and parking as well.
All of the hotels are about a 5-10 minute walk to Legoland. You can get special access to a VIP entrance so that you don’t have to wait in horribly long lines with general admission.
You have a couple of options:
- Ninjago Quarters: These are new as of 2022 and you can stay in the Ninja themed rooms!
- Pirate Island: Stay in a room fit for your Mateys and Crew Members! The rooms are decked out to look like Pirate Ships and there is even a really great Pirate Playground outside as well. This is where we stayed and the boys just went nuts over the “Boat” Bunk Beds, giant Lego crab on the wall, and Lego shows on the TV
- Legoland Castle Hotel: If you want to feel like royalty, then this hotel is for you. The outside looks like HUGE castles and the rooms are fit for Kings (or Princes and Princesses, of course!)
- Themed Cottages/Rooms: You can also choose to stay in the “Cottages” which have different themes available, such as Knights, Adventurers, Racers, and Egyptian.
Legoland Camping
If you want all the great amenities of what the Legoland Holiday Village has to offer, but for a bit less money than the pricey hotels, you can opt for the campgrounds! There are tent pitch sites (it is on stony ground- so plan accordingly!) as well as RV sites. It’s around 100 Euro/night for a family of 4 but that does also include a 2 day park entrance ticket.
You also get:
- WIFI access in the public areas of the campsite
- Bathrooms and Showers
- A kitchenette to do dishes
- Washing machines on site
- Fresh water station
- Power connections
- 24 hour reception
- Get a bread basket and coffee takeaway for breakfast (extra charge)
Camping Barrels
If you want a really unique (albeit, well…let’s call it “Cozy”) experience, you can sleep inside the giant barrels! What is nice about this option is that it’s a bit like Glamping, where you don’t have to lug all your own camping gear, yet it is more rustic (and mufh smaller!) than a hotel. The Legoland Camping Germany Barrels have enough beds to sleep 4 people though and also have a nice little, private outdoor area as well. They are even heated, so you can camp out any time of year!
Disclosure: Legoland Deutschland Resort provided us a one night’s stay and 2 days park admission. As always, all experiences and opinions are my own.