Grüß Gott, Hallo, und Wilkommen to Wander In Germany, your local travel guide for Germany!
As Germany Travel Experts, we’ve created this blog to give you the very best, authentic, trustworthy, and updated information about traveling to and in Germany.
Based on over 10 years of living in Germany as well as over 13 years of traveling in Europe and the globe, we’re passionate about creating articles that can not only help you plan a trip to Germany on your own, like our Traveling to Germany FAQs to giving you great inspirational articles like 25 Foods You MUST Devour While in Bavaria that help you get excited for your travels! And of course, you’ll find information on itineraries, transportation tips, hidden gems in Germany, where to stay, and more!
As one of the leading online Germany Travel Guides, Wander In Germany hopes to be your complete Germany Travel Blog source (and inspiration!) for traveling to and within Germany!
Whether you are a German local yourself, a world-wide experienced traveler, or first-time visitor to Germany, we hope that you find exactly the information you need on Wander in Germany to make for a fantastic trip.
So, Let’s go Wander In Germany together!
Who are we?
Grüß Gott! We’re LeAnna, Andy, & Family- You’re Germany Destination Specialists

Shortly after a month long trip backpacking in Europe (and Germany), we (Andy and LeAnna) knew that Europe was calling us to be there long term. Before we knew it, Germany became home for the next 6 years (and then again for ….well, we’re still here, so who knows!) We used this opportunity to travel all over Europe, Asia, and obviously, Germany! We eventually had our first baby in Germany and then spent several years back in the US to be closer to family, where we welcomed our second baby boy.
But Germany just kept calling us back. We missed the culture, the daily life….and all the travel opportunities! So, we packed our bags and back we went to Bavaria, which is where we now reside and yes…added yet another mini WIG, our daughter. As expats in Germany for over a decade now, we have come to truly appreciate and explore the whole country and absolutely love sharing that with you so that you can love it as much as we do!
Why do we love Germany so much? There is just something about the slower paced life, the environmental friendliness, and the “common sense” thinking. But we also adore the food, the sights, the fests, the markets, and so much more!
Germany Trip Planning from 13 Years of Experience
As experienced travelers ourselves, we understand how overwhelming trip planning can be. And we’ve experienced it all! We’ve done our share of solo travel ourselves, have traveled the world as a couple, and now are stamping our passports all over with our children. We understand the broad spectrum of travel styles and all the challenges to planning just the right trip for you. We’re here to help make sure that you have confidence that you are planning the absolutely best trip to Germany possible…and with ease!
Contact us
❓ Have a question or want to connect? Send over an email to [email protected]
📍 Need help with a destination not yet on the site? See if we’ve been there but just haven’t gotten a chance to put up an article yet.
❗ Have a great place you think others should know about? Let us know so we can explore it and share your tips.
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